What is Chiropractic Treatment
A subluxation is the misalignment of a bone that places pressure over the nerve which generates pain. Chiropractic adjustments serve to correct the alignment of the spine to relieve pressure off the nerve. The goal of chiropractic treatment is to decrease pain, increase motion and increase strength. Getting back to your daily activities is the top priority. Dr. Thomas will create an individualized care place specific to your needs.
Injured in a Motor Vehicle Accident
Our chiropractic service can be extremely valuable to those that have been a victim of a motor vehicle accident. Mobility can be an issue for many involved in an accident since their vehicle may be totaled or in a repair shop. Dr. Thomas understands the importance of getting treatment immediately after an accident. Her years of experience treating car accident and slip and fall injury victims, can help you begin your road to recovery.
Corrective Care
Injuries can occur due to normal daily activities such as cleaning, working, sports, home improvement and lake activities. Pain and dysfunction of the spine can occur due to these activities. Many will tend to ignore pain until it prevents them from being able to function. Chiropractic adjustments can help to improve function and reduce pain from injuries. Proactive treatment is critical to getting back to 100%.
What to expect
Upon contacting Marina Chiropractic we do an initial screening to determine if you are a candidate for chiropractic treatment. If accepted as a patient Dr. Thomas will schedule you for an initial examination. An examination and diagnosis is essential to develop an individualized care plan specific to your needs.
Treatment options that may be utilized are chiropractic adjustments, ice therapy, heat therapy, electrical muscle stimulation and therapeutic exercises. Following your examination, Dr. Thomas will determine which treatment options will generate optimum improvement.